Have any other questions?
Email to tun24915@temple.edu
Assignments are due at 11:59 pm on the due date. Usually, homework assignments will be post on Monday. Therefore, the due date is at 11:59pm on next Monday. Any submission made on or before this date and time may be considered for full credit.
Unless arrangements have been made with the instructor or the grader ahead of time, late homework may be penalized up to 20% each day (with maximum penalty of 80%).
Please note that the actual amount penalized, if any, will depend on the circumstances and also whether you have communicated ahead of time with the instructor or grader. Therefore, if you know you will not be able to complete an assignment on time, please tell us early.
Also, please note that missing assignments will be graded as zero at the end of the semester when final grades are calculated.
The grading range of each homework is 0-10.
You will see this grade on Canvas after grader released the grade.
Blanket extensions to an assignment's due date may be granted at the instructor discretion. Appeals to accept late homework should generally be directed to the instructor.
Every homework assignment is important. Therefore, missing the assignments will guarantee a poor grade or failure.